Brahmi Capsules (500mg) are the best supplement for the mind. They improve clarity, focus and concentration. It is used in Ayurveda to enhance memory and learning capability and promote a joyful sense of calm and peace – it greatly supports today’s mentally demanding lifestyles.
Ayurveda describes a class of herbs as medhya rasayana or rejuvenating to the mind. They are antioxidants and natural stress relievers (adaptogens) that help improve circulation to the brain and sharpen cognitive function. Brahmi formula is blended from Ayurveda’s most effective mind rasayana herbs.
Brahmi is also known to help to overcome the negative effects of stress and improves memory. It is also widely used as an antioxidant. Brahmi can give the immune system a necessary boost. Antioxidant compounds can increase the response time of our immune system against pathogens, viruses, or bacterial infections. Brahmi is also used to relieve anxiety and depression. This herb has a positive effect on the nervous system and stress reduction. The whole plant including the flowers can be used for medicinal purposes. It has a bitter and sweet taste and is known to impart a cooling energy.
Brahmi Capsules
Experience the transformative benefits to the mind and body of this ancient herb and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life with every capsule (500mg).